Socrates famously said, the unexamined life is not worth living. Examination, inquiry, and reflection for Socrates meant a reason to be, a looking into the nature of what is. Life is a process of looking into what is, the state of what is. Health emulates life. The impetus of health is to explicate wholeness, and in wholeness, the processes of life. Health is the continual exploration and integration of the unexamined components of ourselves into conscious awareness. Health is a continuum, a process of moving toward wholeness. Through examination, inquiry, and reflection into the bio-psychophysiology patterns of our life, we can begin to move our health into a state of wholeness, and the continuum of life’s processes. As a holistic and integrative health practitioner, I utilize three primary modalities to facilitate greater awareness, integration, and vitality: somatic psychology, yoga therapy, and integrative health and coaching.