Somatic Psychology

An integrative approach to health inspires a balanced, multi perspective approach to mental wellbeing. Health means wholeness, which implies a process-oriented approach to accessing one’s innate capacity for vitality. Interpersonal neurobiology is an interrelational model of mind which is an emergent phenomenon of the central nervous system and the environment. Somatic psychology is a body centered approach to facilitating a greater sense of connection and integration between mind-body. Both interpersonal neurobiology and somatic psychology focus on bodily movement in exercising the potential for neuroplasticity in addressing dysregulation of the nervous system. Through cultivating awareness and a sensitivity to bodily awareness through proprioception, self-movement, interception, perception of the internal states of the body, and exteroception, sensitivity to stimuli outside of the body, we can begin to regulate the nervous system and cultivate homeostasis in the body, and therefore can potentiate a greater empathetic awareness to our felt experience of ourselves and the world.

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely” - Carl Jung


Yoga Therapy