Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy derives from the Yoga tradition of Patanjali, and Ayurvedic Medicine. The goal of Yoga Therapy is to facilitate balance, homeostasis, or a sattvic quality of mind and body. Fundamentally, Yoga is the stilling of the states of citta, mind, which is to say, a psychology of mind. Yoga, therefore, is a methodology of which procures a state of sattva, lucidity, tranquility, in addressing integration of mind-body. Yoga therapy specifically, utilizes the appropriate diagnostics of asana, posture, pranayama, breathing, and the withdrawal or, one-pointed focus of attention, through meditation, to aid the innate healing capacity of the individual in facilitating greater health and wellbeing.   

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless it’s roots reach down to hell” - Carl Jung


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